
Showing posts from August 30, 2020

40. BACK TO TEACHING...again

ALAIN'S 'PUSH' Even having had a teaching assistantship in graduate school and having taught at Happy Valley School, I never felt comfortable teaching.  It had always been 'a fish out of water' sensation.  But I did feel I might have something to offer others in some capacity. I had talked about these things with Alain, my mentor, when we lived in our 'ashram' together with Jon.  Alain suggested that I become a teacher; he seemed to feel it was my calling...but I wasn't at all comfortable with the notion.  I didn't have a deep interest in it at this point, nor did I feel ready to begin.  Any time he would mention it I got cold feet.  I felt incredibly ill-prepared to take on the task.  Alain said there would never be a time I would 'feel ready'...'Just dive in!  You'll be a splendid teacher.'  Hmmm...? GETTING MY FEET WET I was getting to know the well as those who were interested in the ar...