MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE The three of us shared a common spiritual bond. We shared a common vision of creating a more compassionate, sane, and intelligent world...a world of beauty. And we felt a personal responsibility in doing so. We were focused on leading well-rounded, integrated, and healthy lives, and by doing so, creating a better world. That was what our ashram was about. Our shared experience with Krishnamurti and his insight certainly was an impetus for this bond. Alain...being older, more mature, and more experienced...focused on sharing with others, through teaching, writing, and giving talks, the knowledge, skills, and wisdom he had gained. Jon and I were young and callow...studying, learning, and developing...searching for the knowledge and skills we would need to make a difference, and finding our place in life. Alain was a mentor and an example... ALAIN Alain had a clipped British accent...more accurately, a South Af